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What does EMDR treat?​

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was originally discovered to work with clients who have a history of trauma and have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, over the years it is becoming integrated into treatment for other issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and addictions, attachment and self-esteem issues, and many other matters that have an emotional or physical distress component associated with them.


EMDR is a specialized technique that requires specific training. Therefore, not all therapists practice this type of therapy. Barcelona Counseling provides therapists who have been specially trained to treat many issues with EMDR.


Click here to learn more about how EMDR works on your brain


How an EMDR session looks like?
During the EMDR session, the client focuses on a troubling memory and identifies the emotions/feelings, the physical sensations that the memory causes, and the negative belief connected to this memory. For example, in dealing with a memory where the client experienced lack of love from parents, the person may believe “I am not good enough”, might feel sad and lonely, and might feel a tension on the stomach area. When those are identified, the client proceeds to imagine helpers or resources to deal with those negative emotions, sensations, and self-believes. By imagining that the client is receiving help, the client starts feeling more positive emotions, physical sensations, and starts experiencing positive self-believes like: “I am good enough”.


For more information:

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EMDR – Barcelona Counseling​

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a dynamic, scientifically proven psychotherapy that helps people recover from traumatic events that lead to poor mental health. Living through unfortunate events can cause health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder. EMDR therapy allows people to heal from emotional trauma and the symptoms this condition causes. 

During EMDR therapy, people go through eight different phases with a licensed therapist. These phases start with a person's mental health history and the creation of a therapy plan. We care for every patient through eight standard stages that involve:


  1. History taking

  2. Preparation

  3. Evaluation

  4. Desensitization

  5. Installation 

  6. Body scanning

  7. Closure

  8. Reassessment


In each phase, individuals start feeling less stressed. Eventually, their demeaning life experience becomes empowering. Our mission is not to close open wounds but also to transform people's life. As part of EMDR treatment, you focus on a specific memory and learn how to do eye movement exercises. Individuals learn to use brain connections with eye movement. This connection muffles their agonizing triggers to the negative situation. 


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a highly recommended way to help people who have been through traumatic events. EMDR is more like psychotherapy for treating trauma, and the evidence shows that it works. Trauma symptoms can appear from a highly challenging or painful life experience – for instance, the breakdown of a marriage or exposure to war. 


Trauma looks broadly as intrusive symptoms (perceptions, recollections, thoughts) of the traumatic events, prevention of reminders (people, places, or feelings attached to the trauma), and stimulation (irritability, sleep disturbances, and difficulty concentrating). If you have been suffering from the effects of trauma, now you don't have to suffer alone.



We Follow Standard Principles of EMDR Treatment

EMDR therapy has borrowed different forms of psychotherapy from other treatments. It has specific techniques and principles to enhance its effectiveness. The primary principle focuses on the connection between the therapist and the person. Of course, a positive therapeutic relationship increases the possibility of a person getting successful. A bond of mutual respect and trust grows between the therapist and the person. This bond is built gradually when a therapist tries to understand an individual's point of view. One more principle is that EMDR is action-oriented psychotherapy. If a person remains actively involved in therapy sessions, they can put their learned and practiced techniques to work.


Learning goes on with the third principle; homework. Therapists assign tasks for the individual to complete, which usually involves more practice. They discuss the outcomes of using techniques and skills in real-life situations. Barcelona counseling has experts who guide a person through each phase of EMDR. We assist them with disturbing memories of the past, get attached to the present situation, and prepare for a better, more hopeful future. 


Reach out to us today so your mental health problems stop being a distraction from the life you deserve. Our therapeutic health and counseling services can help you resolve the mental condition that is disturbing your life.



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9725 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy
Beaverton, OR 97005

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Tel: 503-376-9520

Fax: 971-223-0903

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